Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feb 23

I love when nature does cool things. Which is pretty often.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feb 22

I love getting up early in the morning and studying. Its the one time of the day when the house is completely quite.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb 20

This is Spunky. He lives on the 3rd floor with us and has managed to capture the heart of every girl in my pledge class. We all love this little guy.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feb 18

I love how diverse college is. I'm not talking about race or culture or any of that, I'm talking diversity among interests. Especially here at Purdue. In my sorority alone we've got everything from engineers, to a girl majoring in monkeys (but really, she is. Its so cool.)! Even though we all are similar in various ways, one of the things that sets us apart the most is our majors. You see strengths in one girl that are anthers biggest weakness. But best of all, in most (unfortunately not all), you see so much passion (i.e. Demri Braun: Fashion Major. Shown in the above picture). I'm one of these nut balls and feel like I speak for most people when I say that my major is pretty much my boyfriend. For those of you who don't really understand what I mean, heres a list of reasons why your major is like your boyfriend:
1. You spend hours with it every day, studying and learning about it. 
2. It has the ability to confuse the hell out of you. 
3. You are constantly finding out things that you want to change about it or things that irk you. 
4. You're protective of it. I DARE someone to ask me why in the world I would ever want to major in rocks one more time.  
5. You see things in it that no body else does.
6. It brings out your nerdy side. 
7. It keeps you up late at night.
8. It makes you excited, sometimes giving you butterflies. 
9. You're proud of it and want to show it off. 
10. There are points when you want to punch it in the face and quit but you don't because you know its really not what you want you're just stressed.
11. It can make you go on a cheesy bread eating binge (refer to #10).
12. You can't help but thinking about your future with it. 
13. It can sometimes make you cry.
14. You love it. And then you hate it. And then you love it. And then you hate it. 
15. But really you just love it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Feb 17

I LOVE HATS. They are with out a doubt my favorite item of clothing in the entire world. I wear one nearly every day and am probably going to go bald early because of it. Its gotten to the point that my friends say I look odd without one (like wearing glasses all the time and then suddenly switching to contacts). Hats are my thing and have been ever since my mom bought me a sock monkey hat my senior year of high school that I promptly wore every single day of my life. I love that I am recognized and identified by my hats. I think they're pretty cool.