Thursday, February 2, 2012

Feb 2

I'm completely smitten by this picture so I felt I needed to share it with everyone. Normally I like blogging about pictures that I've taken that day but this one was just too good to not use. The thing that I love most about this photo is that even though half of my moms face is being blocked by this adorable ball of cuteness, you can still tell that she is just so dang happy! You can always tell when people are honest-to-goodness happy in pictures when they smile with their eyes. But who can blame her? How could you not be happy when you're holding a precious little puppy in your hands. I don't know how puppies do it but they seem to have this magic spell over people making just about everyone fall in love with them. I mean honestly, have you ever picked up a puppy and not wanted to keep it? I'm telling you... they're magic. I am glad though that they haven't shared their secret for making people fall in love with them with anyone else. That could get complicated if we started falling in love with everyone we meet. Its interesting to see how people's moods change with they're around a puppy. Even if you've had the worst day on planet earth, you can't help but crack a smile when a puppy is near. They're the perfect proof of how love = happiness. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I look kind of mean here.....
    BUT you are right that there is a smile behind that chubby puppy body.
