Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feb 23

I love when nature does cool things. Which is pretty often.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feb 22

I love getting up early in the morning and studying. Its the one time of the day when the house is completely quite.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb 20

This is Spunky. He lives on the 3rd floor with us and has managed to capture the heart of every girl in my pledge class. We all love this little guy.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feb 18

I love how diverse college is. I'm not talking about race or culture or any of that, I'm talking diversity among interests. Especially here at Purdue. In my sorority alone we've got everything from engineers, to a girl majoring in monkeys (but really, she is. Its so cool.)! Even though we all are similar in various ways, one of the things that sets us apart the most is our majors. You see strengths in one girl that are anthers biggest weakness. But best of all, in most (unfortunately not all), you see so much passion (i.e. Demri Braun: Fashion Major. Shown in the above picture). I'm one of these nut balls and feel like I speak for most people when I say that my major is pretty much my boyfriend. For those of you who don't really understand what I mean, heres a list of reasons why your major is like your boyfriend:
1. You spend hours with it every day, studying and learning about it. 
2. It has the ability to confuse the hell out of you. 
3. You are constantly finding out things that you want to change about it or things that irk you. 
4. You're protective of it. I DARE someone to ask me why in the world I would ever want to major in rocks one more time.  
5. You see things in it that no body else does.
6. It brings out your nerdy side. 
7. It keeps you up late at night.
8. It makes you excited, sometimes giving you butterflies. 
9. You're proud of it and want to show it off. 
10. There are points when you want to punch it in the face and quit but you don't because you know its really not what you want you're just stressed.
11. It can make you go on a cheesy bread eating binge (refer to #10).
12. You can't help but thinking about your future with it. 
13. It can sometimes make you cry.
14. You love it. And then you hate it. And then you love it. And then you hate it. 
15. But really you just love it.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Feb 17

I LOVE HATS. They are with out a doubt my favorite item of clothing in the entire world. I wear one nearly every day and am probably going to go bald early because of it. Its gotten to the point that my friends say I look odd without one (like wearing glasses all the time and then suddenly switching to contacts). Hats are my thing and have been ever since my mom bought me a sock monkey hat my senior year of high school that I promptly wore every single day of my life. I love that I am recognized and identified by my hats. I think they're pretty cool. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Feb 16

To most of your dismay, I bought a new nose ring! I ordered it from some lady off of Etsy a few days later it was delivered inside an adorable little letter. Now only was the whole attaching the ring to a leaf idea super cute, but she also hand-wrote me a personal thank you note! Regardless of its packaging I would have been equally excited about its arrival, but the fact that this lady, Gia, had taken the time to personally thank me for buying from her actually granted me happiness along with excitement. A little love and tenderness really goes a long way.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb 15

Grand Prix is a huge event at Purdue that takes place two weeks before finals week. In a nut shell, each sorority is paired up with a fraternity to hang out with all week and they shower you with presents and things like blow-up bounce houses galore. Its a marvelous week. During the couple of months prior to Grand Prix, the fraternities and sororities do what we call, butter-ups. Basically you kiss your desired house's butt so that they pick you to be their pair. We've gotten everything from 50 Den-Pops, milkshakes, and icies, delivered to our house, to a mountainous platter of chocolate-covered strawberries, to being personally serenaded for our butter-ups this year. Its always a feisty time of the year but also a very delicious one. The fraternities really showed us the love with all of the goodies they bought us. These blow up heart balloons got delivered to us on V-Day. They're a little extreme, but hey. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feb 14

Happy very extremely absolutely completely super belated Valentines Day everybody! I hope each of you received buckets of love and chocolates. Even though I'm single, I still enjoy Valentines Day very much. The people who hate on it with a burning passion grind my gears just a little bit. Its a holiday people, and it comes baring hugs, hearts, and limited edition candies! I don't like chocolate but for the sake of the holiday I'll choke down a candy kiss or two. Also, I don't like the color pink but I'll slip a sliver of the color into my wardrobe just for the occasion. I'm a holiday guru and love to be festive. Even though I didn't have a boyfriend, I still received a sweet heart-shaped doily from my best friend reminding me that I'm her gal pal, and two old school Barbie and Justin Bieber valentines (both accompanied with sweet tats). Later I got asked by my friend Carter to go to Sigma Chi for a laid back, last minute date function where I got to spend the rest of the night dancing and drinking champagne with my friends. I really think that if you face things (like being single on V-Day) with a smile and glass-half-full kind of attitude, the universe opens doors and windows for you. Happy very belated Valentines Day! I love you all! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb 13

When I decided that I wanted to take a picture of the color pink to use for my blog this month, I immediately thought of my friend Bridget. The girl has an arguably unhealthy obsession with anything that involves glitter and the color pink. This is her desk. Its not like this just because Valentines Day is near, its like this every other day as well. It describes her so well and makes me laugh every time I look at it. To me, pink is not just the color of love, its the color of Bridget. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feb 12

The nearing of Valentines Day has turned Pi Phi into a flower jungle. Parents, boyfriends, and gal pals are spreading the love with bouquets upon bouquets, upon bouquets. My personal favorites are daisies, but I'd rather get a bundle of fake ones. Watching these guys wither breaks my heart and its a little depressing. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Feb 10

I'm gonna let myself cheat for this picture. Photo creds actually go to Lia for taking the picture but it was such a Kodak moment that I had to slip it in here. This hunk and two beauties are my brother and sisters. My brother was nominated to be in my high school's annual Mr. LN pageant which required him to hop on stage with 11 other junior and senior boys and participate in a Q&A, outfit, and talent competition. Every year I go and leave with sore abs from laughing so much. I came home for the evening to watch my brother strut his stuff and blow his competition to Mars. I was especially excited because my youngest sister, Reagan was helping him out with his talent. The two of them completely memorized and acted out the Perfect Cheer skit from SNL. They killed it. I'm such a sap and had chills the whole time and was so unbelievably proud of them. I couldn't wait to run up to them after the competition and give them a big squeeze and have everyone see that these were my brother and sister. I can't lie and say that the 4 of us get along and feed off of each others company 100% of the time... But we've come a long way. Its weird to see how grown up we are all getting and how much it brings us closer together now that we're all beginning to work our way to the same maturity level (emphasis on "beginning to"). Whether they realize it or not I love them with my whole heart and would do just about anything for each of them. They've managed to put up with me for their whole lives without killing me and that without a doubt screams love. I'm so proud to be one of the fish-eyed Geiger 4. 

If you're looking for a good laugh.. Watch my brother and sister doing their Perfect Cheer on YouTube:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feb 9

My dad picked me up from Purdue so that I could come back and watch my brother compete in the Mr. LN pageant and since Indy drivers act like its their first driving experience during a snowfall every time it snows, we decided to take the back way home. We're talkin' on loooooooong country road with no pit stops for miles. Naturally we ran out of gas about 25 minutes into our drive. With luck we were able to chug to a little side road before the car clunked out all together. We were in a bit of a time crunch and we knew that if we called AAA we would never get back to Indy in time to see my brother strut his stuff. So we resorted to Plan B: walk to the nearest house and hope that they'll spare us some gas. Since we were in the middle of nowhere my dad had to walk a quite some ways to get to the nearest house but returned with a small amount of gas. We poured her in, crossed our fingers and prayed that it would be enough to turn the car on. It wasn't. My dad trekked back to the house and 2 minutes later I get a call saying that the guy had offered to take him to the gas station. I held down the fort in the 'Burb for a good 25 minutes while my dad went to collect gas with a stranger. Once on the road again my dad and I couldn't help but smile upon the situation. This man who very easily could have lied and said he didn't have gas, could have not offered to take my dad to get gas, or could have ignored the stranger knocking on his door all together. But he didn't. My dad said that he was one of the kindest people he had ever met even after spending just a short time with him. He told me that he could tell how much love he had for his family which does not surprise me from how easily he showed us love. I don't even think my dad and I even looked back once at that situation as anything less than a good memory all because a stranger was kind enough to pass out some love.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Feb 8

This right here, is my best friend on the entire planet. Actually, even title "best friend" doesn't really properly suit what this girl is to me. I guess the best way to put it is that she's my sister from another mister. I love telling our story because its one that many people don't have the honor of getting to tell. We met when we became next door neighbors when we were just two years old and have been inseparable ever since. The aspect of our friendship that amazes people is that even after we both moved, and kindergarden through senior year never went to the same school, our friendship has done nothing but grow. Its funny how completely ironic this picture is now that I'm looking at it. I can't tell you how many hours Lia and I spent sitting in her room when we were little playing Nintendo 64 surrounded by mounds of food. You can't see it in this picture but while we were home for Super Bowl weekend we decided to spend the night cooped in her room, playing Nintendo 64, surrounded by chips and cookies galore. Even when we were picking our our Mario Kart drivers, out of habit I gave her a little sucker punch for getting to Yoshi first and having to settle for Donkey Kong (even though "secretly" I would never not choose DK). Its moments like that night sitting in Lias room, perfectly content with a bag of cookies, a video game from the 90's, and each others company when there was a huge party going on downtown that remind me how special our friendship is. After 16 years of not going to the same school, we both ended up choosing Purdue University as our college of choice. We lived in the same dorm complex but decided not to room with each other, but with another pair of best friends from her high school which worked out wonderfully. A week into freshman year, we went through rush, during which we decided not to discuss with each other so that we wouldn't influence each other's choice of house. Sure enough we both ended up in the same one, Pi Beta Phi. The two of us have been through it all together and I can't even begin to imagine how I would get through college with out having her here with me. She's the one person aside from my family that I feel absolutely 100% comfortable with and unconditionally accepted and loved by. Its funny to think about how completely different we are as people but how close we have continued to remain. I can only hope that my kids find the same kind of friendship that I have found with Lia. I love her to the moon and back and can't wait for the day when we are 93 years old, sitting in rocking chairs on the porch reminiscing about our crazy lives. 

Lia also has a blog too! Check it out:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feb 7

As I'm completely positive most of you are already aware, the Super Bowl was held in my home city, Indianapolis, Indiana. The amount of havoc that was reeked the week preceding the big day was unreal. A couple blocks of a street downtown was completely blocked off and transformed into Super Bowl Village, celebrities suddenly became my neighbors for the weekend, and it seemed like everyone had taken happy pills. I've always been a huge fan of big events and pure chaos. I love airports if that helps you understand what I mean. I'm so fascinated by how people behave in excited environments and am fully entertained when I engage in people watching. Its always a give in that when you plop a mass amount of people in one area there are going to be a couple disputes. Especially when its a mix of people where half are present for one reason (the Giants) and the other half are present for the exact opposite reason (the Patriots). But its not the fights that intrigue me, its the friendship and love between strangers and that seems to come out of nowhere. Its like being at a concert, everyone is brought together for at least one mutual reason and it suddenly makes everyone friends. If you look around you'll see drunken strangers high fiving, girls signing fat mens bellies, adults scotching over so that the little kid can get the better view at the concert, yadda, yadda, yadda. I even saw a girl get proposed to! Corny as it sounds, being a part of Super Bowl weekend really made me appreciate where I'm from and it made me so happy being able to witness a great amount of  love between strangers taking place in a city that I call home. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Feb 6

This is my dad and his two cousins Christine (my godmother) and Kathleen. I refer to the two of them as my aunts because they might as well be his sisters. My dad grew up without any siblings but from what I understand he had the farthest thing from an only-child childhood. He and his two cousins Greg (the older brother of these two) and Bernie grew up attached at the hip and even went to college together at DePauw University. Its very easy to see why he is such a family man. My dad has a bigger heart than anyone I know and is truly the one person that I know that would put absolutely anyone before himself. Although its this quality of his does tend to frustrate me on occasion, its what I admire most about him and what I aspire to be every day. Its funny looking back on my child and teen years when giving up one precious night with friends to watch a movie with the family or having to refuse a spring break trip Florida to go to Hawaii with the Geiger 6 seemed like such a sacrifice, those times with my family are my fondest memories. Its funny in high school how hard it is to picture your life any farther down the road than it was at that given moment and not realize how much time you actually have to do all of those things with friends, and how little time you have to do things with your entire family. I love the way that I was raised and how heavily my dad has always pushed the importance of family on my brother and sisters and I. Its a role that I hope to take on as a parent some day. The most important thing that my dad has taught me is that family is love and to embrace it as much as you can.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Feb 5

I know I've posted about my friends multiple times but how could I not include them during the love theme? Aren't they precious? These guys, plus a few more, are my best friends from home and some of my favorite people in the world. Just looking at this picture puts a big ol' grin on my face and makes me all warm and fuzzy inside thinking about how many memories and good times I have shared with each of them. I love that even though we now lead completely different lives and are apart about 9 months out of the year, we have yet to grow apart. We still crack each other up, get along, and want to hang out with each other.. Despite my weirdness, awful texting skills, and occasional lack of ability to think before I act, they've never left my side. I love them with all my heart and soul and am so thankful to have friends that never fail to make me feel special and loved.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Feb 4

My roommate, Monica, met with her dad a couple of weeks ago and came back with oodles and oodles of valentines goodies. We're talking conversation hearts (meh..), these irresistible cupcakes, and best of all... Justin Bieber valentines day cards (stickers included). This was at the end of January and its shocking to me that these cupcakes have not vanished yet. She even gave Carlee, Sparkles and I permission to eat them. Carlee and I did finally give in last night and split one of them and it was nearly impossible to not reach for another one. The icing was impeccable! Remember those little barbie cakes? The ones that had the barbie stuck in the middle of them and the cake was her dress? Remember how amazing the icing on those cakes were? Thats how this icing tasted. Valentines Day makes everything yummier. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb 3

Nothing screams love louder than being trapped inside a long, tight, hug. Its amazing how comforting a something as simple as wrapping your arms around someone and squeezing them to pieces can be. The thing that I love the most about hugs is that the satisfaction of a hug doesn't come only from your friends or family. In fact, some of the most meaningful hugs I've received have come from people who are practically strangers to me. The quiet power of a hug is truly astounding to me. It has the ability to make you feel protected and loved, it can help you heal (even if only just for that moment), and are a reminder to you that you are never alone. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Feb 2

I'm completely smitten by this picture so I felt I needed to share it with everyone. Normally I like blogging about pictures that I've taken that day but this one was just too good to not use. The thing that I love most about this photo is that even though half of my moms face is being blocked by this adorable ball of cuteness, you can still tell that she is just so dang happy! You can always tell when people are honest-to-goodness happy in pictures when they smile with their eyes. But who can blame her? How could you not be happy when you're holding a precious little puppy in your hands. I don't know how puppies do it but they seem to have this magic spell over people making just about everyone fall in love with them. I mean honestly, have you ever picked up a puppy and not wanted to keep it? I'm telling you... they're magic. I am glad though that they haven't shared their secret for making people fall in love with them with anyone else. That could get complicated if we started falling in love with everyone we meet. Its interesting to see how people's moods change with they're around a puppy. Even if you've had the worst day on planet earth, you can't help but crack a smile when a puppy is near. They're the perfect proof of how love = happiness. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feb 1

Finally! A new theme! The month of February is going to bring pictures of love. I've been thinking a lot about how I wanted to approach this theme. I wasn't sure whether these pictures should be of things that I love, or be examples of actual love, or be pictures of cliché symbols for love. I'm awful at choosing so I figured I should include pictures that fall under all three of those categories. I feel like the variety will give it a little more flavor. For my first "love" picture I decided to go with cliché and snap a shot of love in candy form. I'm gonna be honest, I'm not much of a fan of conversation hearts.. a little too chalky for my liking.. but I can't resist collecting a box of them every year when Valentines Day comes around just because they're so festive. Some of the captions really puzzle me because of how utterly cheesy they are but I suppose thats what they're famous for. I've always wondered if anyone has, in all seriousness, slipped their crush a conversation heart that confesses their love for that person. I'm not into cutsey mushy stuff so if that ever happened to me I honestly think I would gag but lets hope its worked out for the best for those who have used conversation hearts for ice breakers.